Born in the heart of the Alps, Maison Courch is an experimental fashion brand designed to fight the worst weather conditions. Now located in Paris, our performance and functional clothes combine the finest fabrics with Heat ControlTM Technology. Maison Courch always strives for innovation as we keep on partnering with the best fashion & apparel engineers in town.
Heat ControlTM engineers have been working on the technology behind heated car seats for more than 20 years, making sure passengers would always feel safe and at ease. Now they bring their savoir-faire to the fashion industry. After months of research & development, the first collaboration between Maison Courch and Heat ControlTM will be released this Winter 2019.
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Born in the heart of the Alps, Maison Courch is an experimental fashion brand designed to fight the worst weather conditions. Now located in Paris, our performance and functional clothes combine the finest fabrics with Heat ControlTM Technology. Maison Courch always strives for innovation as we keep on partnering with the best fashion & apparel engineers in town.
Heat ControlTM engineers have been working on the technology behind heated car seats for more than 20 years, making sure passengers would always feel safe and at ease. Now they bring their savoir-faire to the fashion industry. After months of research & development, the first collaboration between Maison Courch and Heat ControlTM will be released this Winter 2019. ;