
Maison Labiche was born in 2011 in Paris. From the very beginning, the ambition is clear: it is about creating a Maison with a soul, close to its community, with a sustainable approach. The history of the Maison then begins, with a universal, iconic, timeless product: the white T-shirt.

It is on this key piece that Maison Labiche plays with the words and memories, with a joyful and mischievous spirit. A commitment since the beginning, made through the many references and nods of the embroideries.

Passionate about this unisex, essential piece common to every wardrobe, Maison Labiche embroiders its own typographies on the heart of its T-shirts. From there, one objective emerges: “bringing a couture savoir-faire on an everyday piece”. The idea is to stand out from the crowd with our embroidery technique and our love for the words, which carry our emotions and memories.

Since then, the collections have evolved and expanded. Today, Maison Labiche proposes a complete ready-to-wear wardrobe for men and women. We take at heart to develop casual pieces that flirt with the Parisian elegance, while remaining comfortable and qualitative.

Cette saison

Cette saison, destination le ranch Labiche. Fascinée parl’univers équestre et l’immensité de ses haras, Maison Labiche propose cethiver une collection qui vous transportera dans un monde de contrastesfascinants. Un mélange entre une nonchalante élégance parisienne etl’authenticité brute des grands espaces. Tricots douillets, vestes en lainebouillie, vestons sans manches, pantalons idéaux et bien sûr tee-shirts etsweats brodés sont les pièces idéales d’un vestiaire hivernal à cheval entreville et campagne. De Paris au ranch, Maison Labiche tire plusieurs fils cethiver : un premier thème Very Labiche joue avec les codes de la Maison etexplore de nouvelles pistes rafraîchissantes, il est contrebalancé par « HarasLabiche » qui galope dans l’univers équestre, ses valeurs et son patrimoineartisanal. Enfin, « Dimanche matin » tisse les liens de la collection etpropose un vestiaire qui du ranch montagnard à l’appartement citadin sera uncocon de douceur et de confort. Cette saison, Maison Labiche propose encore unegamme de broderies canailles et exclusives, appuyée par des imprimés, tissages,tricotages ou matelassages exclusivement développés par notre studio. Un vraitravail de matière qui enrichit notre collection de basiques impeccables etdurables et ajoute un supplément d’âme et de savoir-faire à l’inimitablevestiaire Maison Labiche. 

This season

This season’s destination is the Labiche ranch. Fascinated by the equestrianworld and the immensity of its stud farms, Maison Labiche is offering acollection this winter that will transport you into a world of fascinatingcontrasts. A blend of nonchalant Parisian elegance and the raw authenticity ofthe great outdoors. Cozy knits, boiled wool jackets, sleeveless blazers, idealpants and of course, embroidered t shirts and sweatshirts are the ideal piecesfor a winter wardrobe that straddles the city and the country, between town andcountry. From Paris to the ranch, Maison Labiche pulls several strands togetherthis winter: a first Very Labiche theme plays with the House’s codes andexplores refreshing new avenues, counterbalanced by «Haras Labiche» whichgallops through the equestrian universe, its values and its craft heritage.Last but not least, «Dimanche matin» weaves together the collection, offering awardrobe that goes from mountain ranch to city apartment, a cocoon of softnessand comfort. This season, Maison Labiche continues to o"er a range ofexclusive, playful embroideries supported by prints, weaves, knits or quiltingdeveloped exclusively by our studio. The result is a collection of impeccable,long-lasting basics that add a touch of soul and savoir-faire to the inimitableMaison Labiche wardrobe.

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Maison Labiche was born in 2011 in Paris. From the very beginning, the ambition is clear: it is about creating a Maison with a soul, close to its community, with a sustainable approach. The history of the Maison then begins, with a universal, iconic, timeless product: the white T-shirt.

It is on this key piece that Maison Labiche plays with the words and memories, with a joyful and mischievous spirit. A commitment since the beginning, made through the many references and nods of the embroideries.

Passionate about this unisex, essential piece common to every wardrobe, Maison Labiche embroiders its own typographies on the heart of its T-shirts. From there, one objective emerges: “bringing a couture savoir-faire on an everyday piece”. The idea is to stand out from the crowd with our embroidery technique and our love for the words, which carry our emotions and memories.

Since then, the collections have evolved and expanded. Today, Maison Labiche proposes a complete ready-to-wear wardrobe for men and women. We take at heart to develop casual pieces that flirt with the Parisian elegance, while remaining comfortable and qualitative.

Cette saison

Cette saison, destination le ranch Labiche. Fascinée parl’univers équestre et l’immensité de ses haras, Maison Labiche propose cethiver une collection qui vous transportera dans un monde de contrastesfascinants. Un mélange entre une nonchalante élégance parisienne etl’authenticité brute des grands espaces. Tricots douillets, vestes en lainebouillie, vestons sans manches, pantalons idéaux et bien sûr tee-shirts etsweats brodés sont les pièces idéales d’un vestiaire hivernal à cheval entreville et campagne. De Paris au ranch, Maison Labiche tire plusieurs fils cethiver : un premier thème Very Labiche joue avec les codes de la Maison etexplore de nouvelles pistes rafraîchissantes, il est contrebalancé par « HarasLabiche » qui galope dans l’univers équestre, ses valeurs et son patrimoineartisanal. Enfin, « Dimanche matin » tisse les liens de la collection etpropose un vestiaire qui du ranch montagnard à l’appartement citadin sera uncocon de douceur et de confort. Cette saison, Maison Labiche propose encore unegamme de broderies canailles et exclusives, appuyée par des imprimés, tissages,tricotages ou matelassages exclusivement développés par notre studio. Un vraitravail de matière qui enrichit notre collection de basiques impeccables etdurables et ajoute un supplément d’âme et de savoir-faire à l’inimitablevestiaire Maison Labiche. 

This season

This season’s destination is the Labiche ranch. Fascinated by the equestrianworld and the immensity of its stud farms, Maison Labiche is offering acollection this winter that will transport you into a world of fascinatingcontrasts. A blend of nonchalant Parisian elegance and the raw authenticity ofthe great outdoors. Cozy knits, boiled wool jackets, sleeveless blazers, idealpants and of course, embroidered t shirts and sweatshirts are the ideal piecesfor a winter wardrobe that straddles the city and the country, between town andcountry. From Paris to the ranch, Maison Labiche pulls several strands togetherthis winter: a first Very Labiche theme plays with the House’s codes andexplores refreshing new avenues, counterbalanced by «Haras Labiche» whichgallops through the equestrian universe, its values and its craft heritage.Last but not least, «Dimanche matin» weaves together the collection, offering awardrobe that goes from mountain ranch to city apartment, a cocoon of softnessand comfort. This season, Maison Labiche continues to o"er a range ofexclusive, playful embroideries supported by prints, weaves, knits or quiltingdeveloped exclusively by our studio. The result is a collection of impeccable,long-lasting basics that add a touch of soul and savoir-faire to the inimitableMaison Labiche wardrobe.



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